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ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | Northern England | County Durham |  Hartlepool

Dh 37.07a  Hartlepool 1857

Dh 37.07a Hartlepool 1857

Price: £3.50

Detailed map of Hartlepool; Durham sheet 37.07
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers whole of Headland area plus Old Harbour, Trinity Church, Victoria Dock, Tide Harbour, Hartlepool Cemetery and Warren Cement Works. This map available for 2 dates. This one is 1857.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 37.07c  Hartlepool 1914

Dh 37.07c Hartlepool 1914

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Hartlepool; Durham sheet 37.07
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers whole of Headland area plus Old Harbour, Throston, Cemetery, Holy Trinity Church, St Hilda's Church.
This map available for 2 dates. This one is 1914

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 37.11a  West Hartlepool 1857-73

Dh 37.11a West Hartlepool 1857-73

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of West Hartlepool; Durham sheet 37.11
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers area from Middleton south to Park; incl Jackson Dock, Swainson Dock, Christ Church, Station, Town Centre. Orig survey 1857, rev 1873

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 37.11b  West Hartlepool 1896

Dh 37.11b West Hartlepool 1896

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of West Hartlepool; Durham sheet 37.11
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Jackson Dock, Swainson Dock, Middle Pier, St Joseph's RC Church, Middleton, Brougham School and Hartlepool Engine Works.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 37.11c  West Hartlepool 1914

Dh 37.11c West Hartlepool 1914

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of West Hartlepool; Durham sheet 37.11
New edition with intro by John Griffiths
Covers Middleton South, Jackson Dock, Swainson Dock, St Paul's Church, Christ Church, West Harbour and St Oswald's Church.
This map available for 3 dates. This one is 1914

For a detailed description of this map click here

Special Offer: Dh 37.11 West Hartlepool 1857-73, 1896 & 1914

Special Offer: Dh 37.11 West Hartlepool 1857-73, 1896 & 1914

Price: £9.00


West Hartlepool 1857-73, 1896 & 1914
Each with an introduction
Special Offer for the trio of maps.

Dh 37.15  Stranton 1896

Dh 37.15 Stranton 1896

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Stranton; Durham sheet 37.15
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Links up with the West Hartlepool map. Covers Hartlepool Paper Works, Seaton Carew Iron Works, Carr House, Bellevue and Longhill.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 45.03  Seaton Carew 1894

Dh 45.03 Seaton Carew 1894

Price: £3.50

Detailed map of Hartlepool; Durham sheet 45.03
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Hartlepool's seaside resort. Covers Cold Knuckles, Holy Trinity Church, Staincliffe, Seaton Grange and Seaton Carew Station.

For a detailed description of this map click here

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | Northern England | County Durham |  Hartlepool