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Co Offaly

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | Ireland | Republic of Ireland |  Co Offaly

Of 08.06  Clara & Ferbane 1910

Of 08.06 Clara & Ferbane 1910

Price: £3.50


Large scale map of Clara & Ferbane; Offaly sheet 8.06
Double-sided map; introduction by Michael Goodbody
Covers Clashawaun Works, Clara House, St Brigid's Church, St Mary's Church and Charlestown.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Of 12.05  Edenderry 1911

Of 12.05 Edenderry 1911

Price: £3.50


Large scale map of Edenderry; Offaly sheet 12.05
Double-sided map; introduction by Ciarán J. Reilly
Covers Castropetre Church, St Mary's Church, Market Square, Blundell House and Railway Terminus.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Of 17.05  Tullamore 1910

Of 17.05 Tullamore 1910

Price: £3.50


Large scale map of Tullamore; Offaly sheet 17.05
Double-sided map; introduction by Michael Byrne

For a detailed description of this map click here

Of 21.16  Banagher 1909

Of 21.16 Banagher 1909

Price: £3.50


Large scale map of Banagher; Offaly sheet 21.16
Double-sided map; introduction by Alan Godfrey

For a detailed description of this map click here

Of 35.10  Birr 1909

Of 35.10 Birr 1909

Price: £3.50

Large scale map of Birr; Offaly sheet 35.10
Double-sided map; introduction by Michael Byrne

For a detailed description of this map click here

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | Ireland | Republic of Ireland |  Co Offaly