Old Ordnance Survey Maps of West Sussex

  • These detailed maps normally cover an area of about one and a half miles by one mile. Each map includes an introduction.
  • They are available through our On-line Mapshop

  • Here are the details of the maps for Kingston Buci:

  • Sussex Sheet 65.10 Kingston by Sea 1931 - published 2024; intro by Alan Godfrey. ISBN.978-1-78721-733-1

    This detailed map gives coverage from the eastern part of Shoreham to west Southwick, including Kingston by Sea, sometimes known as Kingston Buci.

    Features include Shoreham Harbour, Shoreham Beach, Old Fort, chemical works, The Ham, Dolphin Soap Works, Children's Homes, railway from Shoreham to Southwick stations, harbour entrance, Kingston Railway Wharf, Kingston House, St Julian's church, lighthouse and lights, part of Southwick Green, lock to canal, etc

    Extracts from a contemporary directory are included on the reverse together with a specially written introduction.

    The map links up with sheet 65.09 New Shoreham to the west and 65.11 Portslade by Sea to the east.

  • Follow these links for complete lists of our West Sussex and East Sussex maps. For other information and prices, and other areas, go to The Index Page.
  • Most maps in the Godfrey Edition are taken from the 25 inch to the mile map and reduced to about 15 inches to the mile. For a full list of maps for England, return to the England page.
    The Godfrey Edition / sales@alangodfreymaps.co.uk / 27 May 2024