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City of Durham area & East Durham

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | Northern England | County Durham |  City of Durham area & East Durham

Show First 12 Product(s) Show First 12 Product(s)
Dh 19.08  Sacriston 1897

Dh 19.08 Sacriston 1897

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Sacriston; Durham sheet 19.08
Introduction by David Butler
Double-sided map, incl small town of Sacriston, also Nettlesworth, part of Kimblesworth; incl Sacriston and Charlow collieries, St Bede's RC Church and St Peter's Church.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 19.11  Witton Gilbert & Langley Park 1895

Dh 19.11 Witton Gilbert & Langley Park 1895

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Witton Gilbert; Durham sheet 19.11
Introduction by Alan Godfrey.
Incl Witton Gilbert Station, Langley Park Colliery, All Saints Church, Wall Nook, Stobilee House, Kaysburn Brick & Tile Works.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 19.14  Esh & Ushaw College 1895

Dh 19.14 Esh & Ushaw College 1895

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Esh & Ushaw College; Durham sheet 19.14
Introduction by Alan Godfrey.
Covers Hilltop Colliery, Esh Hall, Esh Laude, St Michael's Chapel, St Michael's Church, Esh Cottage, Ushaw Farm and Ushaw College.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 20.13  Durham (North) Framwellgate Moor 1895

Dh 20.13 Durham (North) Framwellgate Moor 1895

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Durham (North). Durham Sheet 20.13
Introduction by David Butler
Covers village of Framwellgate Moor - incl Dryburn, Aykley Heads, Frankland Farm & Park and Durham Main Colliery.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 21.06  Murton 1914

Dh 21.06 Murton 1914

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Murton; Durham sheet 21.06
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Murton Colliery, Greenhill, Murton Junction, Murton Park Grounds, Murton Station and Holy Trinity Church.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 21.09  Easington Lane & South Hetton 1896

Dh 21.09 Easington Lane & South Hetton 1896

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Easington Lane Durham sheet 21.09
Introduction by David Butler
Double-sided map to incl part of sheet 21.10
Covers area from Easington Lane village eastward to South Hetton, incl stn, and South Hetton Colliery, St Michael's Church and Brick Garth.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 26.02  Esh Winning 1895

Dh 26.02 Esh Winning 1895

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Esh Winning; Durham sheet 26.02
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Esh Colliery, Flass Hall, Rag Path Cottage, Hag House, School and East Flass

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 26.03  Ushaw Moor 1895

Dh 26.03 Ushaw Moor 1895

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Ushaw Moor; Durham sheet 26.03
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Ushaw Moor Colliery, New Brancepeth Colliery, Broad Gate, Sleetburn Mill Farm, Bracken hill, Hare Holme and Ushaw Moor Station

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 26.08  Langley Moor & Brandon Colliery 1897

Dh 26.08 Langley Moor & Brandon Colliery 1897

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Langley Moor; Durham sheet 26.08
Introduction by David Butler
From Broompark Colliery to Langley Moor, incl part of Brandon Colliery village, Bearpark (detached) Langley Farm and Old Hall; incl extract from 1915 map

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 26.12  Meadowfield 1897

Dh 26.12 Meadowfield 1897

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Meadowfield area; Durham sheet 26.12
Introduction by David Butler
Includes 3 collieries: Brandon, Browney and Littleburn, Brickworks, Littleburn Farm, Red Barns and Sawmill Cottages; also good directory for Brandon

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Dh 27.01a  Durham City 1894

Dh 27.01a Durham City 1894

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Durham; Durham sheet 27.01
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Good coverage of this great city, incl cathedral, university, stn, Elvet stn, Gilesgate goods stn, Neville's Cross, Crossgate, Claypath

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 27.01b  Durham City 1915

Dh 27.01b Durham City 1915

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Durham; Durham sheet 27.01
Introduction by David Butler
Covers The Cathedral, The Castle, His Majesty's Prison, Bede College, Nevilles Cross, Railway Station, County hospital, Wharton Park and St Oswald's Church.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Special Offer: Dh 27.01a & Dh 27.01b  Durham City 1894 & 1915

Special Offer: Dh 27.01a & Dh 27.01b Durham City 1894 & 1915

Price: £6.00


Durham City 1894 & 1915
Each with an introduction
Special Offer for the pair of maps

For a detailed description of these maps click here

Dh 27.02  Durham City (East) 1895

Dh 27.02 Durham City (East) 1895

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Durham (E). Durham Sheet 27.02
Introduction by David Butler
Eastern area of the city, incl Gilesgate Moor, Sherburn Rd, Dragon Villa, Drill Hall, Sherbournehouse Station, Pelaw House and Bell's Villa.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 27.05  Durham City (South) 1897

Dh 27.05 Durham City (South) 1897

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of south Durham; Durham sheet 27.05
Introduction by David Butler
Semi-rural area south of Charley's Cross; incl Elvet colliery, Houghall, Oswald House, Elvetmoor House.
Section of 1915 edition on reverse

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 27.06  Shincliffe 1895

Dh 27.06 Shincliffe 1895

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Shincliffe; Durham sheet 27.06
Introduction by David Butler
Area to SE of Durham City; incl Shincliffe Race Course, disused collieries, Whitwell Grange, Sherburn Hospital, Shincliffe Bridge and St Mary's Church

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 28.06  Shotton Colliery 1915

Dh 28.06 Shotton Colliery 1915

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Shotton Colliery; Durham sheet 28.06
Introduction by Neil Gander
Covers St Saviour's Chuch, Shotton Colliery Brick Works, Haswell Moor, High Crows House, Picture Theatre and Shotton Bridge Station.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 34.08  Spennymoor 1915

Dh 34.08 Spennymoor 1915

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Spennymoor. Durham Sheet 34.08
Introduction by Anthea Lang
Covers Whitworth Hall, Railway Station, Victoria Jubilee Park, North Eastern Hotel and Town Hall.

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Dh 35.03  Coxhoe 1915

Dh 35.03 Coxhoe 1915

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Coxhoe. Durham Sheet 35.03
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Coxhoe Bank Quarry, Coxhoe Hall, Victoria Hall, St Mary's Church, Bowburn Brick Works and Railway Station.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 35.05  Tudhoe Grange & Low Spennymoor

Dh 35.05 Tudhoe Grange & Low Spennymoor

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Tudhow Grange & Low Spennymoor. Durham Sheet 35.05
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Tudhow Iron Works, Cemetery, St Andrew's Church, High Butcher Race St Charles's RC Church, Mount Pleasant and Half Moon Inn.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 35.06  West Cornforth 1915

Dh 35.06 West Cornforth 1915

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of West Cornforth. Durham Sheet 35.06
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers East Howle Colliery, Metal Bridge, Railway Station, Brandon House, Thinford Mill, Institute and Thinford Bridge.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 35.09  Ferryhill (Dean Bank) & Kirk Merrington 1915

Dh 35.09 Ferryhill (Dean Bank) & Kirk Merrington 1915

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Ferryhill (Dean Bank). Durham Sheet 35.09
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Dean & Chapter Colliery, St Cutrhbert's Church, Merrington Lane, Binchester Junction, Low hill House, Garden House, St John's Church and Well House Brewery.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 35.10a  Ferryhill 1896

Dh 35.10a Ferryhill 1896

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Ferryhill. Durham Sheet 35.10
Introduction by David Lindsay
Covers St Luke's Church, Cemetery, Thrislingon Hall, Coxhoe Junction, Swan House and Strawberry Cottage.

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Dh 35.10b  Ferryhill 1915

Dh 35.10b Ferryhill 1915

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Ferryhill. Durham Sheet 35.10
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Cemetery, The Broom, St Luke's Church, Town Hall, Ferryhill Reservoir, Manor House, Vicarage and Thrislington Hall.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Special Offer: Dh 35.10a & Dh 35.10b  Ferryhill 1896 & 1915

Special Offer: Dh 35.10a & Dh 35.10b Ferryhill 1896 & 1915

Price: £6.00


Ferryhill 1896 & 1915
Each with an introduction
Special Offer for the pair of maps

Dh 35.14  Ferryhill Station 1915

Dh 35.14 Ferryhill Station 1915

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Ferryhill Station. Durham Sheet 35.14
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Chilton, Cragg House, Mainsforth Colliery, Lough House, Chilton East House and Methodist Chapel.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 35.15  Bishop Middleham & Mainsforth Hall 1896

Dh 35.15 Bishop Middleham & Mainsforth Hall 1896

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Bishop Middleham. Durham Sheet 35.15
Introduction by David Butler
Covers Bishop Middleham village, extending westward to Mainsforth Hall, Old Hall, Middleham PArk, Site of Middleham Castle, Brewery and Red Lion PH.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Dh 36.01  Trimdon Grange 1914

Dh 36.01 Trimdon Grange 1914

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Trimdon Grange. Durham Sheet 36.01
Introduction by David Butler
Covers Trimdon Colliery, Trimdon Grange Colliery, St Paul's Church, Trimdon Station, Deaf Hill and Picture Theatre.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Show First 12 Product(s)

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | Northern England | County Durham |  City of Durham area & East Durham